What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a treatment that uses clear aligner trays to gently move teeth into place. The trays are worn in a series over time to create a beautiful smile. Invisalign is a popular alternative to traditional braces and does not have any brackets or wires. The Invisalign trays are discrete and comfortable when worn and do not cause gum or mouth irritation. The Invisalign aligner trays are worn anywhere between 20-22 hours a day. Invisalign trays are easily removable for drinking and eating.

There are multiple companies that provide clear aligner therapy in addition to Invisalign such as Spark, 3M and Angel Aligners, all of which we have experience with as well.

Who is a Good Candidate for Clear Aligners?

Clear aligner therapy is good for the majority of patients with crowded or misaligned teeth. Invisalign patients must be responsible enough to not lose their aligners and to wear them for the whole day. You are only allowed to drink water while using your aligners, so you must remember to take them in and out and clean well after meals so that food does not get stuck between the teeth and the trays. For more difficult cases, rubber bands or attachments may be used to achieve the perfect smile.

What are the Benefits of Clear Aligners?

  • The clear aligner trays can be easily removed for eating and drinking.
  • There are fewer food restrictions compared to other treatments.
  • The clear aligners can be easily cleaned or rinsed.
  • The clear aligners are smooth and comfortable, and there is no gum or mouth irritation with Invisalign.
  • The clear aligners are easy to remove to play sports or a musical instrument
  • Invisalign builds confidence and improves self-esteem.

If you or your family member is interested in finding out more about Invisalign and how this treatment can benefit you, call Wall Street Orthodontics to schedule your consultation.

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